
Loukidelis Professional Corporation (PC) is a law firm with two decades of experience solving tax problems. With that experience, gained at top-flight law firms and a national accounting firm, we can zero in on the key tax issues you face and provide effective solutions.


Loukidelis PC can help with your tax planning needs. We can help with finding and implementing tax minimization strategies for your business. We can help with developing and implementing your estate or succession plan.

Loukidelis PC is happy to work with your accountant or your existing lawyer on your tax planning projects. We speak the same language as accountants, so nothing gets lost in translation, and the work gets done right.

Dispute Resolution

If you are under audit or you have been reassessed, and the CRA just won’t listen, then you need to contact Loukidelis PC. We can support your accountant as he or she deals with the CRA, or we can make representations directly. Our deep knowledge of the Income Tax Act and years of practical experience with resolving disputes will help you to get the best possible result.

Loukidelis PC has particular expertise with objections and Tax Court appeals. We have resolved numerous objections and appeals over the years with favourable results for our clients. If you must make an objection or file an appeal, you should contact us for help.

Voluntary Disclosures

Have you failed to file tax returns or report income? Have you made a serious error on a tax return? Do you have assets offshore that you haven’t disclosed to the CRA? A voluntary disclosure in these circumstances can allow you to avoid significant penalties or even criminal prosecution. We can advise you on whether to make a disclosure and then help you make one, if it is necessary. Not every tax mistake you make requires a voluntary disclosure, but when you need to make one, Loukidelis PC can help you through the process.

When you engage us to help with a voluntary disclosure, the information you provide will be privileged. The CRA cannot make us provide that information to them. You can consult with us and know that your information will remain confidential unless you tell us to disclose it.

Serving Our Clients

We’ll spare you all the talk about our “focus on clients”. Instead, we will provide effective solutions; we will return your phone calls and respond to your emails; and we will provide information and advice that you can understand. Effective; responsive; clear: that’s how we serve our clients.

What We Don’t Do

We do not handle collections matters. If it is clear you owe tax—if you’ve been reassessed and the time for objecting to or appealing from the reassessment has expired—then we generally cannot help you. In our experience, we do not provide value-added assistance in these circumstances (assistance that provides a benefit that justifies the costs of our representation). You will be better served by a lawyer who does specialize in collections matters or by an insolvency professional of some kind such as a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. For more information on working with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, see this page on the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada website.

Statement of principles

The Law Society of Ontario, the professional body that regulates lawyers in Ontario, until recently required all lawyers to create and abide by a “statement of principles” that “acknowledges [the lawyer’s] obligation to promote equality, diversity and inclusion generally, and in [his or her] behaviour towards colleagues, employees, clients and the public.” The Law Society has abolished this requirement, but I am happy to continue to abide by the following statement.

As a lawyer licensed by the Law Society, I promise to

  • recognize the diversity of the Ontario public;
  • recognize that the Law Society is committed to inclusive legal workplaces in Ontario, a reduction of barriers created by racism, unconscious bias and discrimination and better representation of racialized licensees (lawyers and paralegals) in the legal professions in all legal workplaces and at all levels of seniority;
  • act in accordance with my special responsibility as a member of the legal profession to protect the dignity of all individuals, and to respect human rights laws in force in Ontario; and
  • promote equality, diversity and inclusion generally and in my behaviour towards colleagues, employees, clients and the public.