Tax Cheats
Partnership Filings
Some Big Numbers on Charity Tax Shelters
Prescribed rates for 2010 Q4
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Auto Expenses
The CRA website now includes a post on the new method for keeping track of motor vehicle expenses.
The HST in Ontario
Do I dare to write about the HST? I don’t, much, because I don’t know much about it. Nonetheless, let me share with you an insight about the Ontario HST that might make your practice life a little easier.
Multiple Classes
The following article appeared in a recent edition of the Hamilton Law Association Law Journal.
Why have separate classes of shares in the capital of a corporation for new investors? Creating separate classes of shares creates its own problems both from a tax and non-tax perspective. Nonetheless, for tax purposes it is sometimes desirable to have different groups of investors subscribe for different classes of shares in the capital of a corporation.