A corporation must reduce the safe income of its shares by contingent liabilities and reserves, if they reduce the “inherent gain” of the shares. “The safe income is reduced by actual and potential cash outflows”. APFF 2022 Conference question 1,…
RRSP spousal rollover
An estate cannot transfer property from an RRSP to a former spouse on a rollover basis under 73(1) (which requires that the transferor be an individual other than a trust) or 146(8.1) (if the former spouse is not a beneficiary…
Safe income determination time
If Aco is incorporated to purchase the assets of Bco and then purchases the assets, Bco’s safe income is not increased by any gain realized on the sale if the incorporation of Aco triggers the safe income determination time. The…
Poker Winnings Taxed
Sometime ago, I wrote a post about the taxation of gains realized at the poker table. I said that the CRA might not be focusing on auditing poker players because the average player loses money. I quoted an article by…
164(6) carry back procedure
An estate that wishes to carry back a loss to the terminal return of the deceased under subsection 164(6) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) must file an amended T1 for the terminal year. A T1ADJ will not suffice. See…
RDTOH and safe income
The CRA accepts that, if refundable tax contributes to the gain on a share immediately before its disposition, it can also contribute to the safe income of the share. In the example, a corporation with a December 31 year-end, sells…
Corporate guarantee of shareholder loan
A shareholder of a corporation borrows money for an income-earning purpose, and the corporation guarantees the loan, which guarantee is secured by a mortgage on corporate-owned property. The shareholder pays a reasonable guarantee fee to the corporation. The shareholder is…
Insurance premium benefit
Opco, as the revocable beneficiary of a life insurance policy, might be required to include an amount in income under subsection 246(1) of the Income Tax Act where the holdco-shareholders of Opco had paid the premiums under the policy. The…
Sale to alter ego trust
A settlor of an alter ego trust can sell property to the trust for a purchase equal to the fair market value of the property, receive cash in satisfaction of that purchase price and still be considered to have transferred…
Joint spousal trust and 75(2) attribution
A and B each contribute a portfolio of securities to a joint spousal trust, and subsection 75(2) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) applies to each of A and B in respect of their contributions. The CRA takes the position…