“Archived” and “Cancelled” ITs

The CRA has been “archiving” certain of its Interpretation Bulletins and Information Circulars, which prompted one of our readers to ask “What does it mean when an IT or IC has been ‘archived’ or ‘cancelled'”? I wasn’t exactly sure myself, and so I wrote to the Income Tax Rulings Directorate in Ottawa to inquire further. The following is its response:

Two cases

The latest CCH Tax Topics contain summaries of two interesting recent cases, one (Truckbase Corporation v. The Queen, 2006 TCC 215) dealing with the deduction of fees paid to amend a shareholder agreement and the other (Canada (Minister of National Revenue) v. Ellingson, 2006 FCA 202) with the powers of the Minister to demand information “where a suspicion exists as to unreported income and illegal activity”.