Legal project management

Legal project management (LPM) is all the rage in certain quarters. It’s not a new idea, of course. I remember talking about it with some of the lawyers in the large firm I worked for in Toronto in the mid-90s. There wasn’t much appetite for LPM software at the time, I think in part because some of the tools available then appeared too inflexible for the typical M&A deal.

The Search for Revenue

The trend continues. The CBC made a big deal (and rightly so) out of a disclosure of a huge amount of data on offshore bank accounts made to the director of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. It appears that German tax authorities have purchased a CD containing information on deposits made to Swiss bank accounts. The authorities purchased the data for €4 million but they expect to recover €500 million in taxes using the data. That’s a pretty good return on their investment (even taking into account the collections costs).

Meaning of “active business”

David Bazar was good enough to forward to me an interesting case on the meaning of “active business” in the Income Tax Act. In Ollenberger v R, 2013 FCA 74, the Court was called on to consider whether the use of the word “active” in the phrase required something more than just any business that is not a “specified investment business” or a “personal services business”. The Court held that “active” did no such thing.