I found it impossible not to feel sorry for Mr Ruff, a lawyer who paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a team of fraudsters: see Ruff v R, 2012 TCC 105. Naturally, the CRA disallowed his attempt to deduct the losses as business expenses. The Tax Court agreed with the Minister’s position.
Soliciting VDs?
Several clients of a colleague of mine have received letters from the CRA requesting that the taxpayers make a disclosure to the CRA if they happen to find unspecified errors in their tax returns.
More rectification cases
Blaine Cameron at KPMG, Hamilton, was kind enough to point me in the direction of two recent rectification decisions.
Exemption trap
March 30 Update John Campbell, in a comment posted below, points out that paragraph 110.6(15)(b) likely provides an escape from the “trap” that I discuss below at least insofar that one is concerned about whether the shares of Holdco qualify for the exemption.
I was helping a fellow tax professional with a situation like the following where I think I almost stumbled into a trap relating to the $750,000 capital gain exemption.
Learned Hand on Tax
Natural person ‘arguments’
Partnership information return
I always hesitate to take a client’s money for a relief or fairness application because the CRA is usually pretty unsympathetic and the courts not much more helpful. In two relatively recent cases, the courts found that the CRA decision-making process in response to relief applications had been flawed, but the courts refused to provide a different result or order the Minister to reconsider the matter.
Labow appeal dismissed
“Employee” loans
In RĂ©millard v R, 2011 TCC 327, the Court spent some time considering whether an employee is required to include an amount in income in respect of a loan advanced to him by his corporate employer if the loan is not a “commercial debt obligation” as defined in subsection 80(1).