
The Ontario Ministry of Government Services (MGS), it appears, seems to believe that the sole director of a corporation cannot resign and leave the corporation without directors. The MGS will refuse to amend the public record for a corporation to show that it doesn’t have any directors if the sole director attempts to resign.

Shareholder Agreement Tax Gotcha

The following article will appear in an upcoming edition of the HLA Journal.

One wouldn’t think that entering into a shareholder agreement should have anything to do with the availability of the $500,000 small business deduction for a corporation, but in fact such an agreement could require the corporation to share the deduction with another that is otherwise unrelated.

The Initiative

The following article appeared in the February, 2011, edition of the Hamilton Law Association Law Journal.

The CRA likes to stir things up every now and then with this project or that initiative to ensure compliance among various groups of taxpayers. The latest stirring relates to trusts and their administration, and it serves as a sharp reminder to lawyers that tax compliance is not only the province of accountants.