Subsection 75(2)
The following article on subsection 75(2) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) appeared in the latest edition of the Hamilton Law Association Law Journal.
Useful links
Bill C-52 takes the lead
Broker receiving fees through a company
In Boutilier v. The Queen, 2007 TCC 96, the taxpayer received trailer fees and reported them as income he had earned. Later, he purported to transfer his fee-earning business to a company. Fees received by the taxpayer were assigned to the company and reported in its income. The Minister reassessed on the basis that subsection 56(4) of the Income Tax Act applied to the transfer of the fees to the company.
“Indirectly … by any other means whatever”
A Mind Bender
How do subsection 55(2) and Part IV of the Income Tax Act (Canada) work together? The Tax Court considered this question recently in Ottawa Air Cargo Centre Ltd. v. The Queen, 2007 TCC 193 (“Air Cargo”).
Rights and an Ombudsman
Last week’s CCH Tax Topics has an interesting article on limited liability companies (LLCs) in light of the B.C. Supreme Court’s decision in Boliden Westmin Ltd. et al. v. The Queen, 2007 BCSC 351.