Registered Charities Newsletter No. 29 is now available from the CRA website.
The following is an extract from a press release posted on the CRA’s website today:
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has revoked the registered charity status of the Francis Jude Wilson Foundation, a Montreal-area charity. This revocation was effective February 23, 2008, and follows a letter dated August 27, 2007, that was sent to the Foundation.
Charity suspended
The Tax Court has rejected an application by International Charity Association Network under subsection 188.2(4) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) for a postponement of a suspension “of its authority to issue an official tax receipt for one year beginning…
News releases
The CRA issued a couple of news releases yesterday. One of them warned about RSP “scams”, and the other announced that the CRA had issued a notice of suspension to ‘International Charity Association Network.’ The Department of Finance announced today…
Soccer appeal denied
In its latest decision on the subject of registered charities, the Supreme Court has denied the appeal of the charity in A.Y.S.A. Amateur Youth Soccer Association v. Canada (Revenue Agency), 2007 SCC 42.
Donation shelters—the plot thickens
The Toronto Star is reporting that the CRA has reassessed or will reassess more than 100,000 taxpayers for about $1.4 billion in taxes, interest and penalties because they participated in donation tax shelters. I posted previously about another story in…
Ontario Corporations Act Update
The Ontario government has announced that it “is undertaking a project to review and reform the Ontario Corporations Act (CA)”. The government is inviting “comments and suggestions from stakeholders and from the public regarding the reform of this important legislation.”
Charity Law Symposium
I spoke about split receipts at the Canadian Bar Association’s National Charity Law Symposium in Toronto today. You can download my presentation here. You can also download a “decision tree” that highlights the issues to be considered in issuing split…
Redeemer Goes to Ottawa
The Supreme Court of Canada today granted Redeemer Foundation’s “application for leave to appeal with costs to the applicant in any event of the cause.” The plot thickens. For my comments on this case, search for “Redeemer” on this…
Trouble for a charity
I reported on a tax case involving All Saints Greek Orthodox Church here. Now the Toronto Star is reporting that the church issued receipts with a total value of about $273 million as part of the program under audit in…