In Boutilier v. The Queen, 2007 TCC 96, the taxpayer received trailer fees and reported them as income he had earned. Later, he purported to transfer his fee-earning business to a company. Fees received by the taxpayer were assigned to the company and reported in its income. The Minister reassessed on the basis that subsection 56(4) of the Income Tax Act applied to the transfer of the fees to the company.
“Indirectly … by any other means whatever”
As readers of this newsletter well know, the clear message from the courts lately has been “Woe unto you taxpayers who participate in retail tax shelters or other tax-driven schemes!” The Federal Court of Appeal has reiterated that message in Nunn v. The Queen, 2006 FCA 403 (decision not yet available online).
Eligible dividends
Children’s Fitness Tax Credit
Every now and then a taxpayer proposes to transfer an intangible “something” to a corporation for valuable consideration. The taxpayer, or his or her advisers, would do well to read Tri Pacific Gas Corporation v. Canada, 2007 FCA 38, before proceeding.
Eligible dividends
Joe and I will be giving a presentation on the new eligible dividend rules on Thursday, March 1, at noon at the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. We will provide an overview of these rather complex rules and present some planning ideas and issues to consider.