Detax rising?

I’ve been writing about detaxers for sometime. You would have thought their nonsense had been exposed long ago, not least because the tax courts have had no trouble dismissing their claims. Apparently not, however. The Canadian Bar Association is actually putting on a seminar about “Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument (OPCA) litigants”:

The reasons for decision in Meads v Meads, 2012 ABQB 571, delivered by Associate Chief Justice J.D. Rooke, offer a plain-spoken and comprehensive response to the increasing phenomenon of Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument (OPCA) litigants. These self-represented parties—sometimes referred to as Detaxers, Freemen-on-the-Land, or Sovereign Citizens—employ organized methods to intentionally disregard the rule of law, to deliberately disrupt the court system and to avoid their legal obligations. Public sector lawyers, and those who otherwise act on behalf of governments across Canada, increasingly face the actions of OPCA litigants. The lengthy decision in Meads sets out a valuable aid for courts, lawyers and other parties faced with this often frustrating response to litigation.

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