VDP Report

The following points summarize the Offshore Compliance Advisory Committee report on the CRA voluntary disclosure program (VDP):

  1. Provide less generous relief in certain cases eg where the taxpayer’s default is wilful or deliberate.
  2. The conditions for participating in the VDP more than once should be specified more clearly and past participation verified.
  3. Participants should be required to pay tax and interest within the time specified in IC00-1R4.
  4. The CRA should clarify when it will accept incomplete information and should deny full benefits to a taxpayer who does not have a good reason for failing to provide full information.
  5. The VDP should not provide relief from obligations imposed by the transfer pricing rules.
  6. Taxpayers should be required to disclose the identity of advisers who facilitated non-compliance.
  7. The CRA should require higher-level sign-offs within the CRA for VDs involving large amounts or high-profile taxpayers.
  8. VDs should be reviewed by CRA specialists where warranted.
  9. A taxpayer should not be allowed to object to assessments issued in response to a VD.
  10. The CRA should audit returns for reporting income earned in respect of assets that should have been reported on a T1135 rather than force taxpayers to use the VDP for T1135s not filed.

Patrick Lindsay and Bill Nakano “VDP Report”, Canadian Tax Highlights 25:2 (February 2017)

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