
Ken Griffin and Marc Vanasse, “Income Tax Objection Process” Canadian Tax Highlights 25:3 (March 2017), summarizes the Auditor General’s report on the CRA objection process. Not surprisingly, the report found the process lacking in a number of ways. Objections take too long. The CRA does not learn effectively from the results of objections. In addition, the CRA does not have any standards for resolving objections in a timely manner.

VDP Report

The following points summarize the Offshore Compliance Advisory Committee report on the CRA voluntary disclosure program (VDP): Provide less generous relief in certain cases eg where the taxpayer’s default is wilful or deliberate. The conditions for participating in the VDP…


Tonight I received the “Outstanding Contribution Award” from the Hamilton Law Association “in recognition of frequent and valued contributions to the bimonthly HLA Journal, Continuing Professional Development programming, and/or HLA practice committees”. My thanks to the Association for this honour.